While Rajeena is an amazing resource providing your online course launch checklist for success, she is also an amazing woman.
When I sat on zoom across the world from Rajeena for the first time I was amazed.
It was a full circle moment, this is what Momma Has Goals was all about. I was thrilled to meet this Momma from India. As I listened to Rajeena talk about her story and building of her business.
Beyond wanting to be home with her little girl, Rajeena knew she had a bigger calling. Not only did she follow her own dream- she now helps other women and mothers be successful in following their dreams!
Rajeena is sharing her step-by-step launch checklist with you here!
As a former architect turned website and launch expert, Rajeena specializes in helping female coaches and creatives transform their vision into finally having a signature launch experience. With her expertise in design and automation, Rajeena empowers entrepreneurs to streamline their websites, funnels, and launches, resulting in a stress-free experience.
Beyond her business, Rajeena is a full-time mom, travel enthusiast, core foodie, avid reader, calligraphy addict, and still very passionate about architecture. She can be found simply staring at buildings for more than an hour if they are functionally and aesthetically fulfilling.
Rajeena’s keen eye for design and functionality, undeniably assists her expertise to implement a business strategy for creative entrepreneurs who are passionate and ready to up their game, in terms of their business.
When you’re ready and looking forward to launching or relaunching your
coaching program- Follow this guide to make sure you’re indeed set up for success with your launch!
This is a free guide that includes ideas, worksheets, and a planner to create and execute your lead magnet