>Create a plan to achieve your goals without overwhelm, or burnout

>Speed up your success

>Stop wishing for what you want and actually celebrate having it

A goal achievement strategy is the fastest way to accomplish your goals and get what you want.



Learn the 5-step goal achievement framework to outline your success for this goal and all future goals

Be supported by other women and moms doing the same thing and cheering you on along the way

Find the key to true happiness and balance as a mom and more











➡️ Define your goal

➡️ Create a clear plan for success

➡️ Fit the steps to success into your current life

➡️ Build your support system and community

➡️ Establish an on-going success plan

➡️Celebrate along the way!

In 60-days we will..

Having a goal achievement strategy is the fastest way to SUCCEED + get what you want.


🌟Easy to listen on the go: Short clips available as just audio or video to listen at your convenience

🌟6 Live Zoom Calls for Q&A: Connect with other moms, coaches, and support 6 times throughout the 60-days

🌟Downloadable PDFs: For those who love pen to paper you'll find many templates and worksheets

🌟Digital Guides: Prefer the digital route? We offer most the guides digital as well through google docs and sheets

🌟Community support: Tap into our community in our phone app to connect with other moms just like you and get daily support


Plus these bonuses!

➕Family Flow, Weekly Rhythm Guide: Outline your schedule, meals, and household tasks for flow and efficiency

➕Vision and Identity Map: Reclaim your identity beyond motherhood and map the path to the newest version of you

learn more

What some of the women already in the group have to say!

I've experienced many successes and failures in life, from claiming government support for insurance and working three jobs in college to becoming a millionaire at 28, a wife, and a mom of three. With success often comes failure and mistakes. It wasn't until I was speaking on a panel last year and was asked about the steps to take to accomplish a goal that I realized goal success relies on a goal achievement strategy. I discovered a 5-step path to take your goals from dream to reality. Not only have I seen this prove successful many times for myself, but I've also seen it work for the hundreds of women in our community.

I know what it feels like to have dreams and goals but feel lost on how to achieve them. To feel overwhelmed with the endless tasks and commitments, unsure where to start or how to move forward. I also know what it feels like to wake up and live your dream life, to celebrate the goals you were once unsure were even possible, and to look at your life and think, "I did it." This is what you will learn to create for yourself in this course.

I am confident this program will give you the tools you need to accomplish your goals and create a new normal in your life in just 60 days.

Hi, I'm Kelsey!

And I believe moms should have AND accomplish goals!

What others say about our community and programs

💬 "Two Weeks to Tidy got my whole family on board because it's simple and quick!"

💬 "I can't believe the way I'm able to organize my week now, I truly feel like I gained 2 more hours a day with this guide"

💬 "I got the guide for the home habits, but the meal planning and schedule success were more than I expected!"

💬 "This guide breaks it down into simple steps I could follow, no matter how tired I was."

💬 "I was blown away by the different ways to meal plan for my budget and preferences"

✴️15+ video lessons and trainings: Teaching you the D.R.E.A.M goal framework, how to apply it immediately and start achieving quick success 

✴️6 Live Zoom Calls for Q&A: Submit questions ahead of time and recordings provided if you can't make it live

✴️Workbook pages and digital templates: for you to use use for mindset work and strategy to work toward your reality

✴️Access to our private community to ask questions and build connections

✴️Personalized recommendations for further coaches, experts, resources and leaders to support your growth and goals

Get started today for $97!


Pay in full $397



Frequently asked questions

Q: I'm not totally clear on what my goal is, would this help?

A: Yes! We will work together to clearly define our goal, understand the intent, why, and what true success looks and feels like

Q: How much time will I need each week?

A: The way the program is designed you can't fall behind. We'll give you a fast track path to complete in 60-days or you can unlock the phases at your own speed. This is specifically designed for busy mommas, working mommas, activity heavy families, and ambitious fast action mommas too. Allowing an hour a week would be great but you can truly take it at your own speed.

Q: Can my kids be in the background of the calls?

A: Absolutely! Everything we do is mom life friendly. That means we believe in getting it done however you need to. Zoom calls are always child, pet, and life friendly. That said, we are always more present when we can step away. So if you're able to get support and be fully plugged in, we recommend it but I know that hasn't always been possible for me on my journey either, and sometimes doing it with them is the goal!

Q: When will the live calls take place?

A: Calls will always take place on a weekday. All calls are recorded if you can't make it live and you can submit questions ahead of time to still have it answered on the call!

We alternate days and times to fit multiple schedules!

Q: What if I'm not a mom?

A: You're welcome to join us! We will focus on the demand of others in our lives and will reference motherhood throughout the program, if you'd like to apply that outside of motherhood we'd love to have you!

Q: Is there a money back guarantee?

A: As with any program, you will get out of The DREAM Goals Program what you put in.

We believe in your success and we also want you to be satisfied in your purchase. Investing in yourself can feel challenging but it's supposed to- that's how you know you're transforming!

We do not guarantee a specific outcome in a specific time, we do offer a full-refund. If you fully participate in the 60-days of the program and are not satisfied with your results, email kelsey@mommahasgoals.com and we will support your refund request.

After you request a refund we'll ask for your completed work and assignments to see you truly gave it a try. If you haven't we'll work with you. We want you to have results as much as you do!

Once we've confirmed you completed the assignments we'll issue a refund.

Q: Is my investment tax deductible?

A: Always confirm with a tax professional, but in most cases, YES!


Email kelsey@mommahasgoals.com