Our resources are the foundation and core of the Momma Has Goals platform and community. Current, aspiring, and empty nesting mothers rely on the Momma Has Goals filing cabinet to find the support and resources they need for their current goals, ambitions, and season of life.
We're so excited to welcome you in as a Momma Has Goals resource!
Here's a quick intro and behind the scenes!
You can read more about how Momma Has Goals got started here but after my own journey of searching for community, resources, and support I knew I needed to create a platform that connected women with WHO and WHAT they need.
Momma Has Goals was born! Here are a few of the highlights to our platform and being connected as a resource!
⭐ Expansive like-minded, trustworthy and REAL Mommas
⭐ Intimate connection and collaboration
⭐ Proximity to amazing speakers and guests on the topics you actually need
⭐ Exposure to clients and leads
⭐ A commitment and investment that makes sense
⭐ Marketing and networking done for you
⭐A multi-channel approach for high end and increase exposure and awareness
You'll also get the added exposure from other resources and members sharing and collaborating!
"One of my favorite parts of being a resource is the range of women that are in the community. I love how everyone is in a different line of work and levels of biz! It's really wonderful!
"I love that Kelsey gives personalized feedback on how to best use the platform and community for an ROI as a resource"
"Being a part of a group that is ALL moms was really impactful, this is my first time and it feels so good to be apart of a group that understands the challenges. and support eachother"
"I love connecting with the other resources and community members I didn't realize how impactful that would be for me"
"The segments and groups are so beneficial as well as all the hidden exposure points"